MultiBank Group 致力於為所有客戶提供最優質的服務。我們提供超過 20,000 種槓桿式金融衍生品,涵蓋 6 大資產類別,各市場的開盤與收盤時間可能有所不同。季節性因素與市場狀況可能會影響交易時段,因此請隨時關注最新的假期公告與交易時間,確保掌握金融市場的最新動態。
In the U.S., the following holiday closures are in effect: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Washington’s Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.There are partial holidays the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday), and Christmas Eve. During those days, markets run from 9:30 AM - 1 PM. EST. In the U.S., when holidays fall on Saturdays, markets close on the Friday. When holidays are on Sundays, markets close on Monday.